Program TVET Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia

Program khas untuk lepasan SPM dengan Elaun Sara Hidup dan Peluang Pekerjaan

Kelayakan Asas

Umur Pelajar:

15 hingga 35 tahun

Kelulusan Akademik:

Untuk Program-program Hospitaliti (Makanan & Minuman dan Kulinari)
Untuk program-program IT dan Kejuruteraan
Kelayakan SPM tidak diperlukan


Sihat dari segi kesihatan

Tahukah Anda?

Malaysia memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 3.3 juta pekerja mahir dalam tempoh 10 tahun akan datang bagi memenuhi permintaan perkembangan ekonomi negara.

Negara-negara seperti Jerman memberi tumpuan dalam menjadikan para pelajar sekolah menengah graduan yang setara dengan ijazah teknikal dari salah satu kolej komuniti mereka supaya mereka bersedia untuk pekerjaan.

Sukatan pelajaran kursus yang ditawarkan melalui Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia DKM telah direka bentuk dan dibangunkan untuk mematuhi

Standard Kemahiran Pekerjaan Kebangsaan (NOSS), Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (DSD)

dengan kriteria berikut:

Berdasarkan keperluan semasa oleh Industri
Berkaitan secara langsung dengan struktur kerjaya pekerjaan
Dibangunkan oleh pengamal industri dan pekerja mahir yang terlibat secara langsung dalam pekerjaan

Mengapa SG Academy?

Kolej TVET beroperasi sejak tahun 1999

Dianugerahkan 5 bintang oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK), Kementerian Sumber Manusia

Kolej TVET pertama di Malaysia dengan program pembelajaran TVET secara HYBRID (bersemuka dan online)

Kerjasama antara universiti tempatan dan antarabangsa

Pakar industri berpengalaman sebagai tenaga pengajar

Kolej TVET pertama di Malaysia dengan kelulusan program Sijil Kemahiran Dron (Drone Technology)

Akreditasi digital pertama di Asia untuk kemahiran teknologi dron oleh City & Guilds, UK Assured

Syarat Kemasukan Minima - lulusan PMR

Latihan insentif iaitu 80% praktikal, 10% teori dan 10% latihan perindustrian

Fasiliti dan bahan pembelajaran berasaskan kepada keperluan industri

Peluang pekerjaan semasa mengikuti program dan selepas tamat program!

Program Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia yang ditawarkan

Program Kejuruteraan Automasi Industri (Mekatronik)

dengan Pensijilan Antarabangsa Siemens, Germany

Bidang “Smart Manufacturing dan Industri 4.0” bagi menjamin peluang pekerjaan di masa depan.

  • Penggubalan kejuruteraan automasi perindustrian
  • Reka bentuk dan penggubalan dibantu-komputer automasi perindustrian
  • Fabrikasi dan sub-pemasangan automasi perindustrian

Prospek Kerjaya

  • Gas dan Minyak
  • Pengurusan Projek Kejuruteraan
  • Teknologi Robotik

Program Sistem Komputer dan Pentadbiran

dengan Pensijilan AI & CompTIA

Bidang teknologi digital dan kejuruteraan untuk mencapai status golongan berpendapatan tinggi di era ekonomi digital.

  • Penyelenggaraan peralatan dan perisian komputer
  • Konfigurasi Pelayan ( server )
  • Pengatucaraan ( Coding )

Prospek Kerjaya

  • Pengurus IT
  • Pakar Komputer
  • Teknologi Komputer

Diploma Program Kulinari dan Pengeluaran Makanan

Bidang kemahiran yang mempunyai permintaan tertinggi di Asia dan di dunia.

  • Kebersihan, Keselamatan Dapur dan Pengendalian Makanan
  • Teknik memasak
  • Stok, Sup dan Penghasilan Sos Panas

Prospek Kerjaya

  • Chef Eksekutif
  • Usahawan
  • Katerer

Program Persijilan Kemahiran Automotif & Kenderaan Elektrik (EV)

dengan Pensijilan Antarabangsa
Insitute of Motor Industry, UK

Bidang pembaikan dan perkhidmatan kenderaan ringan serta kenderaan elektrik dan hibrid yang sedang mengalami pertumbuhan keperluan yang signifikan di peringkat global.

  • Pembaikan dan Servis Kenderaan Ringan, Kenderaan Elektrik dan Hibrid
  • Penjagaan keselamatan, kebersihan, dan susun atur bengkel
  • Pemeriksaan dan penggantian komponen elektrik dan elektronik

Prospek Kerjaya

  • Juruteknik Automotif
  • Pakar EV
  • Pengurus Bengkel

Diploma Program Pembangunan Kandungan Kreatif

Bidang kemahiran dengan permintaan yang meningkat bagi kakitangan mahir untuk bekerja di dalam atau luar negara.

  • Pembangunan Aplikasi Interaktif
  • Pengeluaran Audio dan Video
  • Pembangunan Kandungan Kreatif

Prospek Kerjaya

  • Penolong Pengurus Kandungan Kreatif
  • Pakar Media Sosial
  • Pereka/Pembangun Web

Ingin maklumat lebih lanjut?
Hubungi kami sekarang.

Hubungi kaunselor kami untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang peluang kareer anda.


Google Reviews 5-Bintang

SG Academy, established in 1999, is recognized for its strong focus on practical skills in computer systems. It has achieved a 5-star rating from Malaysia’s Department of Skills Development, reflecting its quality training and high job placement rates. The curriculum emphasizes hands-on experience, with 80% practical training and a supportive learning environment facilitated by experienced trainers. Graduates are well-prepared for careers in various fields, including IT and engineering, benefiting from the academy's industry connections and flexible learning "COLLEGE THE BEST IM VERY PROUD OF THIS COLLAGE STUDENT"

Vinnot Suppiah

Throughout my journey I've have learned not just to learning multimedia or produce stunning visuals, but to tell stories that connect people, evoke imagination, and inspire action. Whether it's through a compelling video, an interactive website, or an eye-catching graphic, i've become editor in a digital age.

Let's not forget the challenges. Sleepless nights working on projects, the software crashes right before deadlines, or the countless revisions that pushed our patience? Yet here we are, not just surviving but thriving. Those struggles taught us resilience, problem-solving, and the power of perseverance.

Thank you to my fellow friend's and lecturer's for giving me new experience to explore the meaning of Multimedia and Thank you SG Academy for giving me a second chance.


I’m just graduated with diploma in Computer System
-Finally the hard-work paid off

This moment captured the purest form of love and pride - a heartfelt kiss from my parents to celebrate my graduation

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Kolej SG Academy for being an integral part of my academic journey. Your unwavering support, excellent guidance, and dedication to nurturing students have played a crucial role in my success.

Thank you to the lecturers and staff for their patience, encouragement, and commitment to shaping our futures. This milestone is not just my achievement but also a testament to the quality education and positive environment provided by the college.

I am proud to be a graduate of SG Academy and will carry the knowledge and values I have gained here as I step into the next chapter of my life. Thank you once again for making this dream a reality..

#thank you so much SG ACADEMY
#thank parents and family
#thank you everyone

shantini karunagaran

Take a moment to reflect on all the hard work and growth you've achieved. Graduating from an academic institution is a big accomplishment, so appreciate how far you've come.

Graduation doesn't mean the end of your relationships. Stay in touch with classmates, professors, and alumni. These connections could help with future opportunities, whether for jobs, internships, or personal growth.

Whether you’re continuing your education, entering the workforce, or taking a gap year, make a plan for the next phase of your life. Set both short-term and long-term goals.

If you're unsure about the future, that's okay! Take time to explore different paths and keep an open mind.

Don’t forget to celebrate! Graduation is a huge milestone, and it's important to recognize your efforts. Whether it’s a small gathering or a larger celebration, enjoy the moment with your friends and family.

The next chapter can be full of surprises, so stay flexible and embrace new opportunities. Life often leads you to unexpected places, and being adaptable can help you find paths you might not have anticipated.

Graduation marks the end of a formal educational chapter, but learning doesn’t stop. Keep challenging yourself with new skills, experiences, and knowledge.

The transition after graduation can be daunting, but remember that setbacks are a part of the process. Stay resilient and positive, and trust that you’ll find your way even if things don’t immediately fall into place.

Having a mentor or advisor can provide valuable guidance in the next stage of your career or education. Look for someone you admire and who can provide insights or advice as you navigate this new phase.

Good luck, and enjoy the next chapter of your journey!

Hafiy Rifqi

Studying Mechatronics at SG Academy Skills College has been an incredible journey, blending both theoretical and practical skills to make students industry-ready.

As a new student, I’m excited by the hands-on learning experience, especially with Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), which are crucial for automation. Although understanding PLCs can be challenging, the instructors here are incredibly supportive and always ready to help us master complex concepts.

Being part of the TVET program, SG Academy tailors the curriculum to meet real-world industry standards, ensuring that each project, lab, and lesson builds skills directly relevant to the job market.

Beyond academics, the location of SG Academy is also ideal, with the nearby Mamak "Asna Maju restaurant" providing a convenient and affordable place for students to eat and recharge. Whether grabbing a quick meal or relaxing after class, it’s a fantastic spot that really adds to the college experience..

I highly recommend SG Academy Skills College to anyone looking for a supportive, future-focused environment to build expertise in mechatronics and beyond.

Umar Haziq

Dimanakah graduan kemahiran kita sedang bekerja?


Sistem Komputer


Hybrid & EV


Pendaftaran Sesi Kaunseling Percuma